Tepler for Maine Senate

I will be supporting Denise Tepler for State Senate representing Sagadahoc County and Dresden. I have known Denise for 40 years as a fellow parent, homeowner, school board member, and over the past eight years as our representative in Augusta.

I have had the good fortune to have children in the same age groups in the SAD 75 schools, and if wonderful children is any measure of a person, Denise is tops. Denise has chaired the House Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services Committee, and since the beginning has been a tenacious legislator in Augusta. She knows how to get things done! Her work has been always geared toward a central goal; fairness and equal treatment for all citizens.

Her willingness to dig into confusing issues like the way health care is unequally delivered is important to me. In this way, I think she has represented the people of Topsham very effectively.

Eloise Vitelli had to step down due to term limits and Denise is ready to step in and carry the torch. She has the experience, the drive, and the knowledge of how to get things done. In her personal life she is a shining star. In Augusta, Denise has always searched for the details overlooked and sought to correct them. I urge you to support her for State Senate; I believe you won’t be sorry.

Nick Whatley,

Guzzetti for Maine Senate

I am writing in support of Jean Guzzetti’s candidacy for Maine State Senate in District 24, which includes Sagadahoc County and Dresden.


Over the past few years, I’ve been lucky to get to know Jean and see her in action in a variety of settings. At a public gathering in Bath, she spoke from the heart about her father and the lessons he taught her that moved her to run. At a forum in Richmond, she was measured and thoughtful in the face of some contentious questions. At the Bowdoinham Food Pantry, she listened thoughtfully as many folks shared their concerns and priorities.

A common thread in each of these settings: Jean shows up for her community. She brings a fresh, optimistic energy and drive that I believe we sorely need right now — especially in Augusta.

As a former town selectman, I know how important it is to have state leaders who are energetic, empathetic, accessible, and connected to the community. Everything I have seen of Jean tells me she is that leader. I hope you will consider supporting her in the June 11 Democratic primary.

Jeremy Cluchey,

I’d like to talk about Jean Guzzetti who is running to be our democratic candidate for Senate District 24.

Jean lives next to me in Bath. Since getting to know her as a friend I can say she’s one of the kindest sweetest souls I’ve ever met. When she asks how you’re doing, she means it. There’s nothing phony about her, she just has this authenticity and a real down to earthness. I would dare say she has that “It” that’s so elusively unexplainable. A gift of making you feel comfortable simply by talking to her.


When Jean told me she was running for senate it hit me how perfect she would be working for the people of Maine. She’s doing it because she truly cares and wants to make a difference. Can you imagine what a better world we would live in if all politicians shared the character traits I just described about Jean! Did I forget to mention she’s also wicked smaaht, as we like to say.

Watching her run the campaign, go to law school, and be a great and attentive single mom to her daughters has really been impressive. Her determination and organizational skills have certainly shined. Through all this chaotic juggling of life, remarkably, she’s remained steady and cool.

Jean worked in the Maine Legislature as a nonpartisan policy analyst, she’s worked for Efficiency Maine and the Public Utilities Commision. She also served as the Register of Probate for Sagadahoc County, so she has the experience. She’s looking for solutions to better our education, accessing affordable housing and health care, climate change and common-sense gun laws.

It’s time for a new generation of leadership in Augusta to lead us into the future. Get to meet Jean and you will understand everything that I have said about her, she is special. The world needs more empathy and kindness! On June 11 vote for Jean Guzzetti democratic candidate for Senate District 24.

Michael Billington,

Parallels hard to ignore

As a history major in college who studied the rise of Hitler in Germany, I see striking parallels in leadership style between Hitler and Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president.


While it may be uncomfortable to make such a comparison, the similarities are too significant to ignore. The rhetoric and style of both is similar, each portraying himself as an outsider challenging a corrupt elite establishment.

In addition, both have a history of involvement with armed insurrection, Trump in the attack on the U.S. Capitol in 2021, and Hitler’s involvement in an armed insurrection in Munich in 1923 against the democratically elected government in Bavaria. Trump’s case has not yet come to trial, but Hitler in a trial in 1924 was found guilty of treason and sentenced to five years in prison, of which he served nine months.

Hitler used the trial and his imprisonment as a platform to convince many that it was not he who had committed treason against the state, but the political establishment that had betrayed the German people.

While in prison Hitler wrote his book “Mein Kampf,” (“My Struggle”) that outlined his political ideology and his future plans for Germany. In the book he described his political enemies as “vermin” and immigrants as “poisoning the blood of our country,” exact terms Trump has been using in his political rallies.

When Hitler ran in the 1932 presidential election in Germany, he lost by more than 6 million votes. Instead of accepting his defeat, he went to court to have the results annulled, claiming voter fraud, but the presiding judge dismissed the case, saying that the large vote margin precluded any chance that irregularities could have changed the outcome.

The similarities: two demagogues, a century apart, both using their constitutionally guaranteed rights to free speech in an effort to undermine democratic processes and structures.

While there are many differences between then and now, we should not be afraid to look to the past, in order to protect the present, and work towards a future where our constitution, and its respect for democratic values and human rights prevail.

Wendy Ross,

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