People should listen to what the Republicans are saying: that the only fair election is one they win. Admittedly, they don’t usually say it quite that clearly. What they say is that they will recognize fair elections. However, since they still don’t accept the 2020 presidential election, even though they haven’t been able to provide any evidence that the election was anything but fair, imagine what they will say if they lose again this year.

They also are continuing their effort to lock-in minority rule (minority of the electorate, not any racial, religious, etc., minority). Through voter suppression and extreme gerrymandering, they are trying to ensure that they can continue electing people not supported by a majority of the electorate.

Besides listening and watching, read what they write, like the 2025 Presidential Transition Project to move the U.S. to an authoritarian form of government. If the Republicans gain power, this project proposes to concentrate political power, eliminate the independence of the Department of Justice and FBI, weaken free elections, restrict civil liberties, deploy the military for domestic purposes and use the Insurrection Act against political enemies. We must be careful who we vote for in November; once the authoritarians are in place, it will be very difficult to displace them.

For all their faults, and they are many, at least the Democrats aren’t trying to overthrow our existing form of government. We should all vote Democratic this fall for the sake of our democracy and our future.

Bill Dunn

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