How charitable and welcoming has the Catholic Church been toward the sexual abuse victims for their suffering at the hands of many Catholic shepherds?

I recall the church doing a shepherd shuffle every time one of its sexual abuse predators was exposed. I recollect nary a shepherd perpetrator conviction for such a horrific crime. I remember the church’s dismissal of the victim’s allegations and barely any compassion or compensation for the devastation and hurt that sexual abuse causes in the lives of those affected, particularly innocent children. The Catholic leadership and some parishioners continue to trivialize and minimize their big sexual predator problem and cover it up.

I appreciated Bill Nemitz’s honesty about his grappling as a Catholic with the horrendous sexual abuse. I have never viewed his reporting as Nemitz versus the Catholic bishops of Portland. I was always grateful he had the courage and tenacity to “call out” Catholic leaders, as they are reluctant to police their rogue shepherds or tell the truth about their sexual abuse problems.

When the new bishop unfolds his agenda for his episcopate and a set of actions reflect a desire to “turn a new leaf” for the Portland Diocese, his welcome will be embraced and celebrated. Actions speak louder than the National Catholic Register.

Tammy Lane

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