Accusing South Portland residents of NIMBYism is insulting and inaccurate. The community objections to Yard South relate to:

1. Development on a fragile coastline prone to flooding due to climate change and rising ocean levels;

2. Increased traffic in an area with very limited road access, which could be catastrophic in an emergency requiring evacuation;

3. The significant cost burden to taxpayers for a development that is likely doomed;

4. Highest and best-use of the property is a working waterfront supporting commercial and recreational endeavors;

5. No concrete evidence that the development would serve the needs of low- to moderate-wage earners.

South Portland is in desperate need of housing for low- to moderate-income earners. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development defines it as “housing on which the occupant is paying no more than 30% of gross income for housing costs, including utilities.”

In South Portland, a household must earn $88,000 to qualify for affordable housing. What does Yard South consider to be affordable housing units (they claim 100 such units would be built)? Are they thinking of people earning $10,000 per month, or someone earning $4,000 a month such as a teacher or retail worker? Yard South doesn’t provide any solutions.

Becky Judd
South Portland

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