Rep. Traci Gere, D-Kennebunkport, has been appointed to serve as House chair of the Legislature’s newly formed Housing and Economic Development Committee. Having previously served as House chair of the 131st Legislature’s Joint Select Committee on Housing, Gere was appointed by House Speaker Ryan Fecteau.

According to a Dec. 13 news release, the committee will oversee MaineHousing, portions of the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, and policy related to alleviating Maine’s current housing shortage and strengthening Maine’s economy.
“Last session, as chair of the Housing Committee, I worked with my colleagues to make progress to address homelessness, increase affordable housing production and begin to fix the systemic obstacles to housing,” said Gere in an email. “I’m committed to continuing this effort and working to strengthen Maine’s economy and labor market. I’m excited for this opportunity and I look forward to the work ahead.”
Gere is serving her third term in the Maine House, and represents Kennebunkport and a portion of Kennebunk and Biddeford.
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