As the returning Senate chair of the Legislature’s Health Coverage, Insurance, and Financial Services Committee, I write to share this reminder with people who might be looking for health insurance in the New Year: The deadline to enroll in an affordable health care plan through the state health insurance marketplace – – is Jan. 15. If you enroll by this date, then you can get health insurance coverage beginning Feb. 1.

Open Enrollment is an event that happens every year. From Nov. 1 through Jan. 15, Maine residents can get or change health and dental insurance plans that meet federal Affordable Care Act standards. These high quality plans offer comprehensive health coverage that includes doctor’s visits, emergency care, prescriptions – and more. Every year, the plans change, so it’s important to update your application and check to see what new plans are available. Also, if you miss Open Enrollment, not to worry: You might be eligible to enroll during a Special Enrollment Period or through MaineCare.

Like any major life purchase, you might need or want some assistance before you make the big decision. Fortunately, offers support. You can call the Consumer Assistance Center at 1-866-636-0355. The phone line is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. Additionally, there are expanded hours from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., from Monday, Jan. 13 through Wednesday, Jan. 15.

In addition to the Consumer Assistance Center, you can find an agent (broker) or Maine Enrollment assister. They offer free services to help you enroll in a health care plan. They provide unbiased information and help you apply for either MaineCare or a state health insurance marketplace plan. To find an agent near you, go to

Another great resource is Consumers for Affordable Health Care. It operates a statewide phone line to answer questions about eligibility for health insurance, assist with completing an application, and completing enrollment in either MaineCare or a state health insurance marketplace plan. The phone line is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Just call 1-800-965-7476. You can also visit CAHC online at

Besides help with Open Enrollment for, CAHC offers assistance with the cost of Medicare. If you have Medicare, you may qualify for a Medicare Savings Program. Depending on your income, MaineCare may pay for Part A premiums, Part B premiums, Part D premiums, Medicare deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments. There is no asset test, and there is no estate recovery for MSP. If you or someone you know has Medicare, contact CAHC for more information.

Whether it’s affordable health care or enrolling in a state marketplace health insurance plan, I hope that you’ll reach out with your comments, concerns, and questions. When the Legislature reconvenes on Jan. 8, committees will begin their work shortly after. I remain committed to lowering the costs of health care and prescriptions drugs for all Mainers. To reach out directly, send me an email at or call my Senate office at 207-287-1515. I would be happy to listen, and I will do my best to help.

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