Gorham Community Chorus performed during New Year Gorham on Dec. 31. Robert Lowell / American Journal

Gorham High School Chamber Singers perform on the school stage on New Year’s Eve. Robert Lowell / American Journal
School safety for GHS families
Gorham High School administration and the Police Department are hosting an information session on school safety and security at 6 p.m. on Jan. 21 at the high school.
Families will be updated on current best practices when it comes to school safety, including information on responses to threats and keeping the community safe.
Volunteers sought for committees
The Town Council Appointments Committee is seeking citizen volunteers for various boards and committees to serve three-year terms. The board and committee vacancies available are the Planning Board, Gorham Economic Development Corp., Conservation Commission, Board of Appeals, Baxter Memorial Library Board of Trustees, Historic Preservation Commission, Fair Hearing Board, Board of Assessment Review, Board of Voter Registration Appeals, Revolving Loan Fund Committee, and Board of Health.
Those interested in applying to serve on any town board and/or committee, or for more information, can visit the Town Clerk’s Office. To apply, call 222-1670 or email Town Clerk Laurie Nordfors at lnordfors@gorham.me.us.
Applications will be accepted through Jan. 23.
The Appointments Committee will schedule short, informal interviews with applicants starting in February and the Town Council will appoint applicants at its March meeting.
50 years ago
On Jan. 8, 1975, the American Journal reported that the Gorham Historical Society was selling trivets depicting Babb’s Bridge at $4 each. Profits were earmarked for maintenance of the former town office building on School Street that the society took over as its headquarters.
U.S. taxpayer’s debt
The U.S. Treasury Department reported on Jan. 2 that the U.S. public debt was $36,169,957,618,760.21.
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