As a fellow lifelong progressive Democrat, I would like to respond to letter writer Tom Mikulka’s critique of President Obama (Dec. 16).

One person cannot enact a lasting progressive agenda, even if he is the president. The only way President Obama could have enacted legislation that would have pleased Mr. Mikulka would have been to declare martial law and dismiss Congress.

Most of Obama’s accomplishments were achieved in his first two years in office, when he had a majority in both the House and the Senate. But we lost in 2010. I would like to know where Mr. Mikulka was during that off-year election.

Conservatives are making most of the important political decisions in America these days because they keep their eye on the prize. Many progressives vote once a year (if that), then sit at home and yell at the television. The only way we are going to get what we want is to start at the lowest levels of government and play the long game.

Here is a goal for all Maine progressives: Elect a governor in 2018.

Start now. Find and choose a candidate and work hard to elect him or her. Never give up. Make it personal.


We progressives better get in the game soon, because the tide is against us. The idea of President Obama declaring martial law is pretty far-fetched – not so much with President Trump.

I don’t know Mr. Mikulka. For all I know, he runs the Democratic Committee in Cape Elizabeth and is a very active citizen. But if he is not involved and he cares about education, I think he should run for the School Board or the Legislature. Be the change you want to see.

John Schaberg


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