The repeal of the Affordable Care Act may have deadly consequences.

The “death panels” that the Republican Party thought would occur as a result of the ACA may become a reality for low-income people. Insurance companies will decide who deserves and who doesn’t deserve health insurance.

U.S. representatives and senators ought to have their health insurance stopped as soon as the Republicans repeal the ACA. Why should they have health insurance funded by taxpayers?

Members of Congress can afford to purchase private health insurance. Paying for their health insurance is taxation without representation. It needs to be stopped.

I wonder if any insurance company raised its premiums on congressional members after former Vice President Dick Cheney had heart replacement surgery, or if the insurance company quit and left because of the high cost of offering coverage.

How many insurance companies have left the Maine market? Their departure left many people without health insurance until the ACA offered an insurance option. Congress ought to keep the ACA in place and work together to fix problems. Repealing it is a draconian measure.

Send your medical bills to your members of Congress. After all, you are paying for their health insurance, so our congressional leaders ought to have plenty of discretionary income and ought to share in paying our medical bills. Call or write your elected officials and stop the free ride on health insurance for the privileged.

Paul Baresel


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