It was very disheartening to read Megan Nowak’s July 8 letter regarding Lyme disease and the difficulty in finding testing and treatment.

We’ve been on a two-year mission to get our 52-year-old son well. We’ve traveled a very difficult road trying to find a doctor who will treat Lyme other than with the antibiotic our son was initially given, which was not a high enough dosage or a long enough treatment.

The sad fact is that most medical doctors are being instructed not to treat chronic Lyme disease, they do not know how to treat it (which doesn’t mean they cannot research it) or they don’t want to treat it. But they should just admit that they are not capable and have resources available with doctors who do specialize in the treatment of Lyme and chronic Lyme and their co-infections.

After being sent to doctor after doctor, we have finally found, through research and with the help of our Lyme support group, a Lyme-literate doctor who has our son on a treatment program, which will take a very long time because of the severity of his symptoms. Our Lyme-literate doctor as well as his naturopathic doctor are working together to cure our son.

It is a long and expensive (out-of-pocket) journey I would never wish on anyone. We are thankful that my husband and I are healthy enough and are coming up with the resources to fund this project, because our son is unable to work.

Shame on the medical industry, the insurance companies and the government. Lyme is a valid and very debilitating disease that is being pushed aside and swept under the rug. How can millions (yes, millions) of people worldwide be making this up?

Janet B. Elwin


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