Bath Iron Works is asking the Maine Legislature for a $60 million tax break, claiming they need it to stay competitive in bidding for Navy ships. They make that claim although their parent company, General Dynamics, has had $3 billion in profits in recent years.

Ironically, the request being heard by the Taxation Committee just prior to the hearing on the BIW tax break bill was from the Maine Department of Transportation. They are seeking exactly that same amount of money, $60 million, to address the pressing needs to repair our roads and bridges.

So, the choice is $60 million for a company that is owned by the third largest military contractor in the country, or $60 million so that our bridges do not disintegrate.

Which would you pick? Safe bridges, or money to a private company to augment what they already have available to them to bid on shipbuilding contracts?

Please contact your legislators and tell them that maintaining safety on our highways takes precedence over corporate welfare. Ask them to vote no on the BIW tax break so that we can meet the needs of our state.

Cushman D. Anthony


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