Columnist Cynthia Dill, Esq.,must be wearing blinders when she asks (May 27) why a majority of white women did not vote for Hillary Clinton. Isn’t it obvious that she was a flawed candidate: dishonest, conniving, grasping, greedy and two-faced? Ms. Dill, being an attorney, must realize that her candidate would be disbarred in most states.

Hillary still has visions of one more try for the presidency – she feels entitled. But she would end up on the scrap heap along with Bob Dole and failed Democrat candidates for Maine governor Libby Mitchell and Mike Michaud.

As long as the Democrat establishment – Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer – remains in power, Hillary will be their candidate, who will lead them to their Waterloo – a disastrous defeat.

Nick Pappas

Cape Elizabeth

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