There is an application before the Scarborough Planning Board for an 81-unit assisted living facility to be built on Blackpoint Road about 300 feet from the Oak Hill intersection, with entry off Blackpoint and covering 8.5 acres. I am definitely opposed to this project because I am an abutter to this soggy property.

We who travel the Oak Hill intersection know the current traffic problems. A facility of this nature brings staff vehicles, visitors, delivery trucks, and emergency vehicles, all adding to the current traffic mess. But this is of even greater concern: Oak Hill is rightly named, and we’re in condos at the bottom of the hill. Our condo association has already spent thousands of dollars to alleviate accumulating water.

This land should be classified as some form of wetlands, having vernal pools, boggy areas, perhaps a spring, and all this atop an aquifer. The water’s natural course is to our condo doors.

Excavations for a nursing facility will definitely disrupt ground water and drainage, bringing more costly problems to our condo association. It’s time to contact the Town Council and Planning Board. None of us oppose nursing facilities, if located wisely.

Jackie Nielsen

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