Cape Town Councilor Mike Mowles and lawyer Jennifer Duddy, who will face off in July for the Republican spot in the November election for the House District 121 spoke at the Cape Elizabeth Republican caucus Saturday. Duddy announced her campaign at the caucus.

State Representative and South Portland resident Kevin Glynn is running for the Senate District 7 seat. Glynn favors reforming healthcare and fully funding special education costs through the state.

Cape residents Irene and Rick O’Donnell registered as Republicans for the first time at the caucus. Irene O’Donnell said she’d been a Democrat since she could vote. She changed parties because she believes Mike Mowles can “do something positive for Cape.”

Rick O’Donnell said fiscal responsibility is a top priority for Maine. “I don’t like the way the state’s gone so liberal,” he said. O’Donnell jumped the line from independent to Republican.

State Rep. Kevin Glynn of South Portland addessed the Cape Elizabeth Republican caucus this weekend.

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