Brunswick Police Chief: PreK program has many benefits

I am very excited about the possibility of Brunswick adding pre-kindergarten classes at the new Kate Furbish Elementary School when it opens in 2020. Quality pre-K is instrumental in developing youth in many ways. As police chief, I view pre-K as one of the most effective crime prevention tools that exists.

It makes perfect sense when you think about it. Early learning programs teach participating kids – especially at-risk kids – the skills they need to give them a leg-up on learning when they start school. Not just the reading and math skills we typically think of, but critical life skills that help with cognitive, emotional and social development.

Research shows that kids who participate in quality early learning programs are less likely to commit crimes and serve time in jail or prison. They are more likely to stay in school, graduate high school, and avoid a life of crime.

Superintendent Paul Perzanoski was right about pre-K when he said in a recent Times Record story, “All of the research will show you it’s the biggest bang for your buck when you talk about the benefits.” Those benefits include a decrease in future crime rates and related costs to the criminal justice system, and an increase in kids who go on to lead positive, productive lives.

I encourage the Brunswick School Department to continue its strong consideration of adding pre-K — one of the wisest investments we can make today in order to strengthen our community in the future.


Richard J. Rizzo
Brunswick Chief of Police

Time for Bowdoin Pines to come down

As much as I hate to see the destruction of any historic site or building, the time has come for the removal of all the giant Bowdoin Pines on Bath Road.  With recent storms many have come down naturally, so far without the loss of life — which is my major concern.  With each tree that falls the roots of another are compromised, the domino effect potentially.

Perhaps the wood could be used for benches or art projects to be displayed on campus and around town. Secondly, I am sure Bowdoin College would love to access that land if all trees were removed.

Teresa Winter,

Town parking plan makes no sense


I have spent a few weeks of chuckling and shaking my head over our esteemed town council spending $70,000 for a study for the feasibility of building a 300-space garage on Cedar Street. The desire is to relieve parking on Maine street, which is a nightmare. I can save you the money right now by using a little common sense.

Building a garage that far away from downtown is silly and a total waste of money in my eyes. It was stated that a plus was parking would be close to two amenities, Hannaford and the library. That was when my laughing started — those two amenities have their own parking lots. The council is deluded in thinking that people will park that far from downtown. Why would anyone park behind Hannaford to go to the other end of Maine street to Morning Glory (which, again, has their own parking) for example, or Wylers, or the Nest?

Why not build the garage on the town lot off Center Street? Now that would make more sense. Located right downtown and an already designated parking location.

As for the land on Cedar Street, if Tedford Housing would be interested, let them build their new facility there. Or take the taxpayers’ $70,000 and study the feasibility of a new fire station being located there.

Chari Burdick,

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