Vin DiCara

Vin DiCara

As we enter the final stages of the 2013 United Way fundraising campaign, I want to thank the thousands of individuals who have already contributed to this community-wide effort. Everyone who receives services from the United Way and its partner agencies is grateful for the financial support you have provided.

For those of you who have not yet given to this year’s annual United Way campaign, we need you to be a contributor. So please fill out a pledge card, send a check to 34 Wing Farm Parkway, Bath or call 443-9752 to arrange for a credit card donation, bank debit, or to be billed.

When you make a contribution to the United Way, you can be part of changing the lives of 20,000 local people for the better in the coming year.

Your gift to our annual United Way campaign will help people who are hungry or homeless to get food and shelter.

It will assist survivors of violence, and work to prevent violence.

Your contribution will also give hope to our local young people so they can have positive activities and mentors when they need them.

If you have aging parents, giving to the United Way will allow elders to get rides, companionship, Meals On Wheels and respite care. And if you have any doubt about how the United Way assists our older citizens, take a look at our local video at and see the difference volunteer rides made to 93-year-old Harriet, a determined former “Rosie the Riveter” who had been walking across the Sagadahoc Bridge to go shopping.


Our United Way has a special focus on early childhood, and helping children and their parents even in the first months of life. Research demonstrates that this type of innovative, preventive work will have lasting positive effects on people’s education, financial stability and health. Giving to the United Way helps Mid Coast children to get the best possible start in life.

If you believe in assisting any of these members of our community, our United Way cause is your cause. Our campaign is your campaign.

United Way asks people to LIVE UNITED. It’s a calling to people to think beyond ourselves and to give, advocate and volunteer on behalf of others in our community who require services and assistance.

I’ve been fortunate to not only volunteer in the campaign, but also in United Way’s fund distribution process. During this process, I saw community involvement and accountability drive United Way decisions on which local programs to fund and at what financial level. I also gained great appreciation for the services that the staff and hundreds of volunteers at partner agencies provide to the most vulnerable of our citizens.

Beyond funding excellent local programs, United Way of Mid Coast Maine has brought people together to work on long-lasting solutions on issues such as food security, early childhood, mental health, winter preparedness, isolated elders, supporting youth, and more.

Based on my experiences with the United Way, I can assure you that my donation and your donation are very well spent to improve people’s lives.

Our Campaign theme this year is “Connections.” Herman Melville wrote: “We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.”

It’s a great feeling to connect to something bigger than yourself. When you connect to United Way, you connect to a community of caring people, and you make great things happen.

VIN DICARA is chairman for the United Way’s annual campaign.

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