The assistant Teen Center coordinator position has been filled! I am so happy to announce that Charlene Roberts is my new assistant. Charlene started last week and the teens love her. She is co-owner of RollerWorld and was already a familiar face to many of our teens who frequent RollerWorld.

This was the ideal time for her to join us as our numbers are increasing rapidly! We seem to get new teens signing up every week lately with our daily count of teens at the center reaching into the teens more and more.

Some interesting data: If we have 14 teens a day, four days a week, we are providing 56 snacks and beverages per week, at no cost to the teens. We could not do this without the help we get from Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program and personal donations to our program.

And these kids can eat! We have boys coming in after football practice or after a game and wow, they can pack it in. … And they never seem to gain weight. Why can’t that still be true when we reach our 30s to 90s?

The Teen Center program is open Monday through Thursday from 2:30-5:30 p.m., four days a week this year thanks to a grant from the Women’s Giving Tree Foundation.

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