Jeffrey Wolkens

Jeffrey Wolkens

Jeffrey Wolkens

Age: 51

Occupation: Inventory Control Specialist (Staples)

Political background: Completing first term MSAD 75 Board of Directors and currently serving my third year on the Region 10 Board of Directors representing MSAD 75. Past chairman of the Sagadahoc County GOP.

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Jeffrey Wolkens: I am convinced that my decision to run back in 2011 was the right one and I feel that staying involved with my son’s education at this level allows me to stay in touch in a way few parents are able.

Matthew Drewette-Card

Matthew Drewette-Card

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

JW: 1) Proficiency Based Diploma: This is one of the biggest changes we are facing as we begin the phase over for graduating students of 2018. This process is ongoing and still not fully understood by many parents and students. It is up to the board to deliver that clarity they need.


Jane Scease

Jane Scease

2) To build new or renovate Mt. Ararat H. S.: We have now begun the process that will determine the question of building a new facility or renovating the current Mt. Ararat High School. I am proud to have been part of the process that finally convinced the state that it was time to bring our facility into the 21st century and am looking forward to what lies ahead.

3) The impact of Charter schools upon our district. Exactly what that impact entails is still not fully known. Since this is only the second year for us it is still too early to measure.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

JW: My experience allows me to understand what’s involved in the process of creating and maintaining the highest quality of education possible.

Having a child in the district allows me to see the results of the work being done by the teachers, administrators and the board.

TR: Why should voters choose you?

JW: I am dedicated to serving my fellow Topsham neighbors with my time, knowledge and commitment in providing the quality education that our parents expect and our children deserve. I am a parent of two boys. My oldest the Class of 2009, and my youngest now in seventh grade. Many changes have come with education those years between them. I believe I bring the insight needed to ensure that students of today and those of tomorrow will be given the tools that will allow them to achieve whatever goals and dreams they may have.


Matthew Drewette-Card

Age: 38

Occupation: Curriculum Coordinator for AOS 94

Political background: None. I have never held any political office.

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Matthew Drewette- Card: As a parent, I want the best schools for my kids. As an experienced and certified teacher and district administrator, I have the leadership experience, skill set and knowledge base to help MSAD 75 successfully meet the unique and difficult challenges facing school districts today and in the future.


TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

MD- C: 1) Proficiencybased diplomas and proficiency based education for all students: This is the biggest and most important challenge facing our schools and district. It requires a restructuring and rethinking of how we “do school.” I am currently leading another district in proficiency-based education, and I believe I can help MSAD 75 and its communities understand the reasons, rationale, and realities of proficiencybased education.

2) College and Career Readiness Standards: This is a major discussion topic across Maine and the United States right now. School Board members and the community need to deeply and fluently understand all sides of the arguments surrounding the Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and more.

3) Technology Integration and Access: Creating a culture of learning that embeds and integrates technology use is no longer an option. It’s a necessity. Students and teachers need access to the best tools and resources for future preparedness.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

MD- C: I am an experienced teacher and administrator (15 years), and I have a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership. I am leading a district in technology integration, educator effectiveness, curriculum design, best teaching and grading practices, and the transition to a studentcentered, personalized, and proficiency-based education system.


TR: Why should voters choose you?

MD-C: I understand and embrace the challenges school districts, teachers, and parents face. I want my daughters and all kids to learn to love learning; to learn to be passionate, curious, driven, focused, and engaged. I believe schools should nurture and be centered in these principles. Our schools need focused and purposeful leadership to prepare our children for the future. I will bring my passion and drive for student centered learning and educational excellence to the MSAD 75 School Board. I will provide support and leadership to the excellent schools and teachers within and across MSAD 75.

Jane Scease

Age: 78

Occupation: Retired

Political background: Former two-term Topsham selectmen and two- term member of MSAD75 school board, presently on Finance Committee.


Editor’s Note: In addition to running for one of three seats on the MSAD 75 school board, Scease also is running unopposed for Sagadahoc County treasurer.

Times Record: Why are you running for office?

Jane Scease: I am running for a third term (on the MSAD 75 school board) because I am committed to continue the work of providing the best possible education to our children in this challenging economic and social climate. Students need to be prepared for a world that changes daily in terms of communication, knowledge, and job expectations.

I am running for a second term as county treasurer because I believe that the financial operations of the county should be overseen by an elected official. As treasurer, I have been responsible to the public who elected me.

TR: What are the top three issues you’ll have to deal with if elected?

JS: The primary issues to be faced (on the school board) include designing an educational system that enables students to navigate their futures successfully, supporting educational staff in adapting to the demands of changed expectations, and developing community involvement in educational issues.


My most important goal will be to ensure that county finances continue to be managed in an ethical and efficient way. In addition, I plan to enhance my review of county finances in accordance with changes recently made within the department.

TR: What skills or strengths do you bring to office?

JS: My skills (for school board) include the ability to work with others toward mutual goals and to focus on the most important issues facing the district.

I have experience in serving on various boards and committees with responsibility for overseeing financial matters, as well as four years as County Treasurer.

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