PRIMARY ACCESS to the Irving gas station and 3,850- square-foot convenience store would be from Bath Road, but the store can also be accessed from Allagash Street on Brunswick Landing.

PRIMARY ACCESS to the Irving gas station and 3,850- square-foot convenience store would be from Bath Road, but the store can also be accessed from Allagash Street on Brunswick Landing.


The Brunswick Planning Board will consider granting final approval today for Priority Real Estate Group to build an Irving gas station and convenience store on Brunswick Landing, directly across from the Shaw’s Supermarket at Merrymeeting Plaza.

The meeting will start at 7 p.m. in council chambers at Town Hall.

The board is expected to vote on the major development review application submitted by Priority Real Estate Group. Brunswick Planner Jared Woolston said once the application is approved, the applicant needs a building permit before construction can start.

Primary access to the 3,850-square-foot convenience store would be from Bath Road, but the store can also be accessed from Alla- gash Street on Brunswick Landing.

Jim Howard of Priority Real Estate Group said the new Irving station will have five fuel dispensaries, and each one has two pumps. There will be gasoline and diesel available, he said.

The project has been under review for about 18 months, Howard said. He expects to have approval at the end of today’s meeting and said planning board comments have been worked into the plan. He also has permits from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and Maine Department of Transportation. Howard expects to break ground around mid-April and open in August.


“I think this particular store is going to do real well given all the growth we’ve got at Brunswick Landing,” Howard said.

Howard said the convenience store is branded Irving but will be a Rusty Lantern Market run by John Cook, whom Howard is leasing it to. The Irving station on outer Pleasant Street is also a Rusty Lantern Market, as will be a new Irving station in Portland at the site of the former armory Priority Real Estate Group is remodeling. Cook also took over Rusty’s Market in Topsham.

In other business, the planning board will hold a public hearing on a special permit application submitted by U-Haul Company of New Hampshire and Maine for proposed equipment rental use at the former Cooper Industries building at 1 Cressey Road.

The applicant looks to reuse an existing industrial building located within a business and industry zoning district as well as partially within a town residential zoning district. Woolston said a purchase and sale agreement is in place for the building.

Woolston said a special permit is required for uses not specifically allowed or prohibited by the town’s ordinance. In this case, the proposed equipment rental use is an omitted use. The board will look at the town’s planning goals in the area and how the proposed use conforms.

The planning board will also hear an update from the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Committee.

In other business

• THE PLANNING BOARD will hold a public hearing on a special permit application submitted by U-Haul Company of New Hampshire and Maine for proposed equipment rental use at the former Cooper Industries building at 1 Cressey Road.

Comments are not available on this story.

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