University of Maine System budget cuts by campus

Below are the cuts each campus in the University of Maine system is expected to make in their fiscal 2014 budgets. The cuts are part of a systemwide plan to eliminate about 165 positions and close a structural deficit of $36 million. Here’s how those cuts break down by campus:

SOURCE: UMS FY2014 Proposed Operating Budget

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Percentage Gap: ' + this.y + '%'; s += '
Original Budget: $' + this.points[0].point.Budget/1000000 + 'M'; s += '
Amount Gap: $' + this.points[0].point.Cut/1000000 + 'M'; return s; }, shared: true, useHTML: true }, plotOptions: { column: { pointPadding: 0.2, borderWidth: 0 } }, series: [{ name: 'Percentage Gap', data: [ {y:5.3,Budget:249000000,Cut:13000000}, {y:10,Budget:140000000,Cut:14000000}, {y:6.7,Budget:39000000,Cut:2600000}, {y:6.6,Budget:38000000,Cut:2500000}, {y:15,Budget:12000000,Cut:1800000}, {y:10.7,Budget:16000000,Cut:1700000}, {y:4.6,Budget:11000000,Cut:500000}, {y:7.8,Budget:18000000,Cut:1400000}], color: 'rgb(55,126,184)' }], credits: { enabled: false } }); });

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