Given the budget constraints as Brunswick plans for a new school, officials should reconsider the proposed location for it. Brunswick has lost several taxable properties, thanks to some questionable decisions by past town council members so it would help everyone to increase the tax base.

Since the Jordan Acres site is in the middle of a residential area, it would be a great place for new housing. If the property were sold to a developer, the cost of tearing down the building would not be on taxpayers’ backs. New housing would bring in more people to contribute toward the property tax.

Two other sites to consider for a new school include the following:

1. Brunswick Landing. Since the Rec Center moved there, students who don’t drive do not have easy access to it. If the school were built somewhere on the former base, the opportunities for more participation would increase. Land there for a school would likely be less costly than other locations.

2. Brunswick High School property. This parcel seems large enough for two schools. A school here could offer incredible learning opportunities for high-school students as they interact with younger students. Several programs across the country connecting these ages have produced incredible results, including turning some potential dropouts into college students who want to teach. Other advantages might come in the areas of maintenance and transportation.

Brunswick taxes have increased so much over the last two years that selling a new school to the citizens will be difficult. Adopting either of my suggestions might make the task easier.

I have shared these thoughts with the town council and the school board. I encourage others who share my views to do the same.

Anne Wescott Dodd,


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