Storm Clean-up is a Daunting Task

I’ve been following recent articles and letters regarding the preparedness and response time of CMP after the wind event of October 29th and 30th. Trees (and limbs) are the primary cause of power outages. I feel the utility companies already do a decent job of trimming what they’re permitted to, within their ROW limits. The problem is that trees can span quite a distance when they fall. Most homeowners tolerate periodic cutting and trimming, but wouldn’t entertain 100-foot swaths on each side of utility lines. What are the utilities supposed to do? What if this predicament was turned around and homeowners had the responsibility of making sure their trees didn’t damage utility company property? You can’t have it both ways.

I enthusiastically applaud the clean-up efforts of all the utility crews. It was a daunting task, with so much devastation. Anyone who doesn’t normally work under such harsh conditions will not appreciate just how huge this was. We need to learn a little patience.

Jack A. Shaw,


Maine Needs Clean Energy


In addition to exacerbating asthma, COPD, diabetes and heart disease, a recent study funded by the National Institutes of Health indicates that long-term exposure to dirty air — particulates and black carbon — increases the risk of osteoporosis and hip fractures. At the same time as this study was released our government was arguing at the U.N. Climate talks that we should focus on using “clean coal,” which produces the very pollutants that cause this harm. This is the wrong direction, especially here in Maine where we breathe the pollutants produced elsewhere in the country. We need cleaner air, not dirtier air, and we should be focusing on cleaner sources of power like solar, wind, and hydroelectric to achieve it.

Jeanette MacNeille,


Collins’ Help Needed to End Gun Violence

I am a member of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in Maine. Along with many other groups, we advocate for common sense gun laws locally and nationally.

We are asking Senator Collins to co-sponsor S 1539, Protecting Domestic Violence and Stalking Victims Act of 2017. This bill would expand the federal laws that prevent spousal domestic abusers from purchasing guns to unmarried partners convicted of domestic abuse. This is commonly known as the Boyfriend Loophole. In Maine, domestic violence is a major cause of shootings and deaths.

Gun violence is a complicated issue with many causes. This is such an easy loophole to close and Sen. Collins’ endorsement would send a powerful message to the rest of the Senate. Please call, email or fax her urging her to sign on.

Ruth Mlotek,


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