MORE THAN 1,000 PEOPLE turned out last week in the pouring rain at Gelato Fiasco on Maine Street in Brunswick to help raise funds for the Brunswick Area Teen Center Program — a program of People Plus. This is the 8th year that this event has been held at Gelato Fiasco and it has grown in attendance and income every year, earning $7,700, beating last year’s total by nearly $1,600. There were numerous business sponsors including Mid Coast Parkview Health and Edward Jones in Topsham. A dozen musical entertainers performed and local celebrity scoopers dished out gelato representing organizations from Brunswick, Topsham, Harpswell and Bowdoin College. For more information on the Brunswick Area Teen Center visit

MORE THAN 1,000 PEOPLE turned out last week in the pouring rain at Gelato Fiasco on Maine Street in Brunswick to help raise funds for the Brunswick Area Teen Center Program — a program of People Plus. This is the 8th year that this event has been held at Gelato Fiasco and it has grown in attendance and income every year, earning $7,700, beating last year’s total by nearly $1,600. There were numerous business sponsors including Mid Coast Parkview Health and Edward Jones in Topsham. A dozen musical entertainers performed and local celebrity scoopers dished out gelato representing organizations from Brunswick, Topsham, Harpswell and Bowdoin College. For more information on the Brunswick Area Teen Center visit

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