I am not in agreement with Gov. Mills’ continued lockdown and the criteria in her latest edict. It inflicts untold harm to our fragile economy and thousands of our citizens.

On what scientific grounds does she continue this reckless policy, with only 57 deaths and few recorded cases comparatively in our large and sparsely populated state? Let me be clear that any of these deaths is a tragic loss for these families, but I trust our citizens and businesses to proceed with activities in a safe and prudent way, recognizing guidelines in contact and separation.

Open hotels and tourist venues sooner, not later. Can you imagine telling visitors to self quarantine for 14 days before enjoying their Maine vacation? That’s saying we are closed as a state indefinitely.

Who gives our governor the power to violate our liberties and freedoms until she says so in the name of protecting us, based on fluid medical data and uncertain models and outcome?

Someone in our state government needs to create a spreadsheet detailing the effects and costs of the Maine pandemic versus the effects and costs to the families and businesses in Maine. The numerator is 57; the denominator is 1,300,000.

I am not being cynical. I just want to put the human cost of the pandemic in perspective, and would be interested in the loss of life proportionately to influenza, auto deaths, cancer, heart fatalities and many other serious illnesses.

Richard Payeur


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