Maine’s District 25 contested Senate race features a candidate with values that are deeply rooted and nurtured in her native state of Maine. Jennifer White is a third-generation Italian American whose grandparents immigrated from Italy and settled in Portland.

From that humble beginning, Jennifer founded a vibrant day care and learning center, owns and operates a real estate agency, and funded and provided compassionate leadership of a nonprofit organization, Global Harvest Outreach, that provides charitable assistance in Maine through a variety of programs and services.

In these uncertain times, Mainers need leadership in Augusta that has these types of real life experiences. Jennifer has created jobs and understand the struggles of working families. Jennifer has shown she has the ability to bring people of different backgrounds together to accomplish their goals – something that is dearly needed these divisive times.

Jennifer is committed to being a responsible Maine state senator. She has the enthusiasm to get things done. My vote will be for Jennifer White on Nov. 3 in District 25.

Joe Bean

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