A political ad blames Sara Gideon for a 40-cent-per-gallon fuel tax bill. Cathy Breen cosponsored it. Worse yet, Breen has not promised she won’t try again, despite damage to our economy! Fuel taxes really hurt Maine. I cannot vote for Cathy Breen.

I will vote for Jennifer White for state Senate. Her position on taxes impresses me because she personally sees taxes nibble away at working people. Jennifer employs over 20 of them, signing their paychecks for 21 years.

She certainly feels concern in this economy. Yet she exudes optimism that she will make things better. Her business history says she will.

Maine needs her optimism and positive attitude. She visualized her own goals and made them reality. She sees our challenges and calls them her opportunities. Jennifer White has convinced me that she deserves my vote for the Maine Senate.

Benjamin Stevens

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