Edgecomb Community Church, UCC, invites you to three special events happening this month at The Labyrinth in the Field, located next to the church building. All the events will be guided by Pastor Kate Pinkham.

The first Candlelight Summer Solstice Labyrinth Walk will be held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, June 20.

On Thursday, June 24, will be the Full Moon Labyrinth Walk under the light of the strawberry moon at 7:30 pm.

Sunday, June 27, at 11 a.m., at the labyrinth the church will dedicate the labyrinth to the people of Edgecomb, neighbors and friends. Refreshments will be available after the blessing and dedication.

Unlike a maze with its puzzles and dead ends, the labyrinth has only one winding path to the center. Walking the labyrinth can aid in mediation, prayer and in the listening of the wisdom of our hearts. Walking the labyrinth also allows us to slow down and become more aware of God’s creation.

The labyrinth is created from area stones and is located on the grounds of Edgecomb Community Church. It is medieval seven-circuit Chartres style designed after a 13th-century labyrinth at the Chartres Cathedral in France.

For more information about these events, email the church at edgecomb.church@gmail.com or call the office at (207) 882-4060. The events are free to all.

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