Caizzo’s CMP stance disappoints

To the editor,

I’m writing to express disappointment in my representative Chris Caiazzo (D-Scarborough) for voting in lock step with CMP during his first three years in the state legislature. Representative Caiazzo has gone out of his way to support CMP’s interest over the interests of his constituents.

In 2019, Rep. Caiazzo voted against LD 640, a bipartisan bill which would have required a climate impact study of CMP’s transmission corridor through western Maine. He also voted against LD 1363 that would have barred the Maine PUC from approving high-impact transmission lines unless they have significant public benefits and towns through which the
project would pass would need to adopt a local referendum in support.

This year, Rep. Caiazzo voted against LD 194 which would have barred companies that are majority owned by foreign governments (Hydro Quebec) from spending to influence referendum campaigns. Rep. Caiazzo is also suing Maine’s Secretary of State to try and break up this November’s referendum question on the ballot into three questions confusing voters.

CMP was recently rated as the least trustworthy and least popular utility in the country. It’s not hard to image why given their frequent power outages, billing mishaps, winter disconnection notices, and their destructive transmission corridor to bring power to Massachusetts at the expense of Maine’s woods, waters, wildlife, and tourism industry. His voting record demonstrates that he is more interested in the lining the pockets of CMP shareholders than holding them accountable for their poor service.

Tracey Allen

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