Riding a bike is fun – and these days, folks with mobility or other challenges can join in as Age Friendly Saco and Saco Main Street roll out the new Chat adaptive bicycle purchased through grant funding. The entities will make the rounds of congregate living and nursing homes, offering rides. Andrew Dickinson Photo/City of Saco

SACO — Remember the joy of riding a bicycle, and feeling the summer breeze on your skin? Or a fall ride, to see the leaves? Sometimes, when age creeps in, bicycling  become a thing of the past, but it doesn’t have to be this way, even for those whose mobility isn’t what it was.

During the pandemic n 2020, Age Friendly Saco, in collaboration with Saco Main Street, applied for and received a grant to start a new adaptive bicycling program to help isolated older residents enjoy the experience of having a bike ride again.

“We received a grant from Kennebunk Savings Bank through the Huntington Commons Charitable fund and were able to purchase a trishaw bike named “The Chat,” said Age Friendly Saco Director Jean Saunders.

Age Friendly Saco and Saco Main Street recently celebrated the acquisition of the adaptive bicycle with a ribbon cutting, and Saunders said the two entities will be reaching out to congregate living facilities and nursing homes to offer residents the joy of experiencing a bike ride again.

Research has shown that this type of experience can help individuals with dementia as all senses are engaged with such an activity, Saunders said.

“We will be setting up appointments with our congregate living facilities like The Landing, the Wardwell and hopefully others over time,” said Saunders. “Anyone interested can call our Age Friendly Saco office for more information at (207) 710-5029.”

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