South Portland workers lauded

To the editor,

After about six months, the work on the water lines and streets off the “Red’s” intersection have been completed in fine fashion.

The workers and crews who did the work should be highly commended for their good work and thoughtfulness during the project. Well done. Good job.

John Roediger

South Portland


Community bolsters Diaper Drive

To the editor,

The South Portland Public Library would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our community for making our recent Diaper Drive such an amazing success.

Over the course of the drive, our community donated more than 7,000 diapers and nearly 10,000 wipes to the Maine Diaper Bank. We are thankful for the great effort made by all involved and continue to be proud to be a part of such a caring community.

Maine’s diaper bank networks provide nearly 300,000 diapers annually to families in Maine, including here in South Portland.

To learn more about the National Diaper Bank Network, visit Through its website you can see all the ways you can donate to the Maine Diaper Network any time of year, so if you missed our Diaper Drive, you don’t have to worry, they are always accepting donations.

Heather MacNeill, teen librarian and publicity coordinator

South Portland Public Library

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