Did you know the Town of Scarborough conducted a survey of residents last fall? Were you one of the Scarborough residents who received it in the mail or completed it online? Maybe you read about it here in the Scarborough Leader or maybe you’re just hearing about it now. In any case, you might be wondering why it was done, what the results were or, most importantly, how the Town is using the input to help make decisions that affect us all? Zoom in to get answers to questions you have about the survey and all things related.

The survey covered topics ranging from satisfaction with transportation and public safety, to concerns about growth and governance. The results have been reported on the town website and elsewhere, but this is your chance to ask your own questions of Town Councilors Ken Johnson (Communication Committee Member) and Jon Anderson (Communication Committee Chair.) For the second program in the Scarborough Public Library’s Let’s Talk Scarborough Series, Councilors Anderson and Johnson will be interviewed live by Janice Cohen and Dana Morris-Jones of Scarborough Community Conversations (SCC) for a virtual audience. There will plenty of time for Q & A following the interview.

On Tuesday, June 7, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., don’t miss this informative program and opportunity to ask questions about how decisions are made and how your input makes a difference. Let’s Talk Scarborough is free and open to the public. Sign up just to listen and/or get your own questions answered. Visit www.scarboroughlibrary.org/events to learn more and to request the Zoom link.

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