
Recently retired Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero will appear in conversation with art historian and Chamberlain resident Caroline Bruzelius, distinguished Duke University professor emerita, in an event sponsored by the Frances Perkins Center.

Ferriero will reflect on his tenure as the 10th Archivist of the United States, as head and chief administrator of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

The event will occur Wednesday, July 27, 4-5 p.m., at Porter Hall at Skidompha Library in Damariscotta.


“As America’s Archivist for 12 years, Ferreiro launched an agency transformation dedicated to the principles of open government – transparency, participation and collaboration,” according to a press release. “He celebrated the contributions of “citizen archivists” and took steps to modernize federal records management practices. His diligence in adhering to the Presidential Records Act ensured that records were properly retained even when doing so required engagement with the Department of Justice to assist in compliance with the law.”

NARA is an independent agency charged with the preservation and documentation of government and historical records. First formed in 1934, it administers 15 presidential libraries and museums, a museum in Washington, D.C. that displays the Charters of Freedom — the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights — and operates 15 research facilities across the country.

To register, visit FrancesPerkinsCenter.org


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