Election letters

To the editor,

Voters in the Kennebunks are indeed fortunate this November to have excellent choices on the ballot for the Maine House races.

In District 8, most of Kennebunk, Dan Sayre is running for a first term. I have worked with Dan in several community organizations and have been struck with his intelligence and his ability to quickly size up a situation and then come up with good options for resolving problems. Most importantly, Dan is interested in hearing all points of view on an issue and goes out of his way to seek out and listen to people who have opinions different from his own, an attribute much needed in today’s political environment.

I strongly support Traci Gere’s candidacy for the House seat from District 9, covering Kennebunkport and coastal Biddeford. Traci is running for re-election after having served one term. During that term, I saw Traci working hard on issues important to Maine families including providing affordable housing and healthcare, promoting energy efficiency and supporting education. Traci has done a worthy job in communicating regularly with her constituents to inform them on the issues. Her strong business background informs her decision-making process. She has earned our vote.

Susan Gesing



To the editor,

I am writing this letter to encourage voters in Kennebunkport, Kennebunk and Biddeford to vote for Elizabeth Jordan for state representative.

I have been greatly impressed with Elizabeth’s commitment to improving the quality of life for Maine residents and making Maine a state where residents can prosper.

In recent years our government has damaged Maine’s economy and consequently our prospects by overspending, imposing burdensome taxes, overregulating small business, and raising our cost of living. Elizabeth Jordan is committed to making Maine affordable and correcting these impediments to growth so that Maine’s economy can create more (and better paying) jobs …  including for our younger generation.

Finally, Elizabeth is a strong advocate for ensuring that parents are involved in our schools and their children’s education, including support for career-centered vocational education.


Please consider voting for Elizabeth Jordan to help Maine reach its full potential.

Charles Ormsby


To the editor,

Thanks to the people of Maine, the Mills administration and Democrats in Washington, our community college system has never been stronger.

Maine’s community colleges are open access institutions and seek to admit all students who meet certain minimum requirements. The successful completion of a two-year program offers pathways to skill-based, good-paying jobs that hold the possibility for advancement, or make earning a four-year college degree more affordable.


It’s the perfect time to optimize Maine’s investment in education and its young people so that graduates can remain in our state and become part of a thriving work force. Dan Sayre has the background, experience, and commitment to build on the current level of progress we’ve made as a state and to strengthen collaborations between educational systems and employers.

Sayre is currently president of a consultancy on education and training for engineering professionals and the skilled technical workforce. Previously he worked for 35 years in book publishing. He is a member of the Kennebunk Budget Board and is its liaison to RSU 21.

Sayre is the only candidate that has spoken of “tremendous opportunity for Maine to accelerate growth of our tech and manufacturing sectors.” He is the only candidate who has spoken of outreach to start-up and established businesses to “understand their skilled labor needs and tailor educational programs for them,” observing that we already have successful models of this in York County.

A believer in equity, Dan has stated that “We need to replace the ‘college is best’ bias with equal respect for all pathways young Mainers can take to successful livelihoods in the trades, technology, manufacturing, agriculture, fisheries, the arts, and many other fields.”

Vote for Dan Sayre who will work collaboratively to ensure that every high school graduate has the opportunity to continue learning, earning, and living in Maine.

Joanne Hulsey



To the editor,

In 2018, Susan Collins assured the public that Brett Kavanaugh would not rule to overturn Roe v. Wade. The country was able to see the untruth of that, but not Susan. In early 2020, Collins told us that Trump had learned a lesson from his impeachment. Clearly, untrue. And now, Susan wants us to believe that LePage is worthy of another four years in the Blaine House. Absolutely

Let’s review some of what LePage said and did as governor:

NAACP – “kiss my butt.”

President Obama – “go to hell.”


State Rep. Drew Gattine in a recorded phone message: – “you little son of a _, socialist
_” Paul said he wanted a duel with Gattine, “I would point it right between his eyes.”

Sen. Troy Jackson: LePage said Jackson claims “to be for the people but he’s the first one to give it to the people without providing Vaseline.”

At a press conference: “Maine is essentially all white.”

At a press conference: ‘The enemy right now’ is ‘people of color or people of Hispanic origin.’

Regarding the opioid epidemic: “guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty” come from New York and Connecticut … and half the time they impregnate a young white girl before they leave.”
He vetoed legislation to ban cruel conversion therapy, proven to harm LGBTQ+ youth. He joined multiple lawsuits to deny LGBTQ+ Americans their constitutional anti-discrimination rights. He opposed the voter-approved legalization of same-sex marriage.

Enough said. Re-elect Janet Mills.


Marie Louise St. Onge


To the editor,

I was very glad to read in your last issue that Traci Gere, HR 134 candidate, understands that reasonable abortion rights is essential for the continuum of women’s health care options.

Her opponent however, while decrying ‘government interfering in lives,’ has no such understanding. Instead she has worked throughout her adult life to overturn Roe v. Wade. Funny how she didn’t mention that bit of interference.

Since abortion rights are now in the hands of the states, it is critical that we elect state representatives who will make sure women, here in Maine, continue to have the respect of the government to choose the best reproductive health care for themselves.


That means voting for Traci Gere.

Jacqueline Peters


To the editor,

It is a rare moment indeed when you realize you can throw the full weight of your vote toward a truly deserving candidate. That candidate is Dan Sayre, who is running for Maine House of Representatives for District 135. I know him as a man of integrity and dependability. In his town, county and state positions, he has demonstrated talent, acumen and a keen sense of justice and equity.

To that end, for those of us still reeling from the recent Roe v. Wade decision, make no mistake: your vote for Dan is critical. Only the Democratically controlled legislature and Gov. Mills are keeping abortion safe and legal in Maine. There is no doubt Dan will unequivocally defend women’s private health care decisions and assure safe access because he believes that Maine’s existing laws protecting all reproductive rights must stay in place.


To retain the current policy of the state of Maine, to ensure all Mainers have affordable, reproductive health care, vote for Dan Sayre on Nov. 8.

Susan A. Bloomfield

West Kennebunk

To the editor,

As a term-limited legislator whose service in state government will end in December, I heartily endorse Dan Sayre as the next Kennebunk representative to Augusta. Dan has the intelligence, skill, work ethic, and good heart to serve us well.

It is important that we return a Democrat to the State House. Although we won’t read it, women’s right to choose and equal treatment is on the ballot. Democratic values, my values, and Dan’s values, all mean advocacy for a strong economy, a protected environment, educational advancement, and justice for all Mainers. Dan carries the Democratic banner, and that means priorities that include low-cost healthcare, good wages, renewable energy, and affordable housing for our older Mainers, for young families that want to stay in Maine, and for our workforce. In this important political moment, a vote for Dan is a vote for fairness and smart choices.

But Dan is more than the Democratic candidate. He has demonstrated his commitment to the Kennebunk community, and we are lucky to have such a well-informed, hard-working, and able candidate. We need a strong voice at the majority table. I’ll be voting for Dan Sayre on Nov. 8.

Christopher W. Babbidge


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