United Way of Mid Coast Maine is accepting applications for new funding partnerships with nonprofit agencies that improve people’s lives in the core building blocks of health, healthy community connections, financial stability, or the best start in life for children. Agencies considering applying are strongly encouraged to contact United Way as soon as possible to review eligibility requirements.

“We have 36 excellent partner agencies now, and we know there is even more good work being done by others to meet current and future needs,” aid Executive Director Barbara Reinertsen. “We encourage interested agencies, of whatever size or age, to contact us and discuss potential shared goals and what we need for accountability to our donors.”

Organizations interested in applying for partnership should contact Maria Hinteregger, director of Community Impact, at MariaH@uwmcm.org or 443-9752 as soon as possible for further information and United Way’s Eligibility Application and Partnership Agreement. These applications must be completed and returned no later than noon on Nov. 18.

If an agency is found to be eligible, it may then apply in February 2023 for program funding in one of United Way’s three focus areas. Volunteers review applications and make recommendations to United Way’s local Board of Directors for two-year funding beginning July 1, 2023. The three focus areas are:

• Healthier, more connected lives: The goal is for people to experience wellness, safety, positive mental health, human connections and access to health care.

• Improved economic stability: The goal is for people to have the resources to meet their basic needs and the opportunities to achieve greater financial stability.

• Best start for children: The goal is for all children to have the best start in life and healthy development from birth into the school years to help prevent future problems in health, education and economic stability.

United Way’s mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of our communities. For more information, visit uwmcm.org.

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