While the Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs will be racking up points during Sunday’s Super Bowl, young Catholics from around Maine will be busy scoring donations to benefit those in need through the “Souper” Bowl of Caring Feb. 11-12.

The annual event is a weekend of giving and serving during which 100% of the monetary and food donations collected will be given to local charities to help tackle hunger in the community.

Monetary donations will be accepted before and after Masses at St. Charles Borromeo Church and St. John the Baptist Church in Brunswick, St. Mary Church in Bath, and St. Ambrose Church in Richmond. The proceeds will go to Catholic Charities Maine’s food and nutrition program, which provides daily meals and nutritious snacks for thousands of Maine preschool children and adults with special needs.

Several other churches across the state will be collecting donations before and after Masses as well. Visit portlanddiocese.org/event/souper-bowl-caring-maine-parishes for a complete list of participating churches and donation beneficiaries.

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