Vote against bond for new school

To the editor,

The School Department claims our schools are at capacity — this is not true! Current total enrollment is 2,896—that’s 328 less than our peak 10 years ago of 3,224. The enrollment study projects enrollment will grow to 3,053 by 2027-28 — adding 157 students, and most of these students will be at our elementary schools. We need to figure out a permanent solution, but we are not in favor of the School Department proposal.

Until we figure out the BEST long-term solution which considers the wishes of residents, taxpayers and parents, there are a few low-cost options we can explore.

None of these temporary solutions will cost the millions the School Department claims!

First, the current 38 classrooms at the neighborhood schools can accommodate the projected 2027-28 school population; class size would be high but within our targets. Both BP and EC have seven regular classrooms used for other purposes. A couple of these could be repurposed to regular classroom to reduce class size.


Wentworth will have extra capacity until 2030; several classrooms could temporarily house some of our second graders.

Finally, we could add 4-6 classrooms to Wentworth which was designed to be expanded; this could house our second grade until a long-term solution is ready. This would cost several million dollars but would help when Wentworth exceeds its projected capacity in 2030.

None of these options substitute for finding a long-term solution to the problems at our neighborhood schools. None are ideal. But they could buy us a year while we figure out a better solution than the current proposal.

Susan Hamill

To the editor,

On Nov. 7, I will be voting no on the proposed mega-school.


I moved to Maine in 1981 when I came here from Poland. In 1995, I made my home in Scarborough where my son attended school from kindergarten to high school.

I am voting no on this project for many reasons. But the main reason is because this proposal shuts down the three neighborhood K-2 schools that have been an important part of our Town fabric and have contributed strongly to our sense of community. And now they want to throw that all away and bus our youngest and smallest children off to a school the size of a large warehouse. Kids should not start out their learning journey that way. They need the comfort and close feeling that a neighborhood school provides.

When I moved to Scarborough, houses were affordable and taxes were low. There was a great sense of community and a fantastic vibe.

Scarborough is a beautiful town that has been changing so much over the last few years. It’s beginning to feel more like a city. This mega-school will only add to that feel.

I will do whatever it takes to try to retain as much of the good vibe of Scarborough as I can. And that includes voting NO on the new elementary school. If you care about Scarborough like I do, I hope you will vote no too!

Roman Józefiak


To the editor,

The $160 million school proposal deserves study and public discussion in one important aspect: Consolidation of all neighborhood schools into one, and locating them all at the Downs.

Given some 1130 students in their introductory years to Scarborough Education, it may take some 50 busses to being everyone from all points to the Downs. Given stops en route to pick up or drop off kids, plus traffic down routs one and elsewhere,these journeys could well take an hour each way.

The friendships formed by kids going to school and being in classes together will be gone.

When the Beijing busses pull into the Downs corral, kindergarten children will be thrust into a free for all.Is this what Scarborough Education should be? Modernizing the existing neighborhood schools was never seriously evaluated with good analysis as to feasibility and cost, and with honest intent for a good impartial analysis.

Placing this very large school at the Downs will be another step in moving Town activities away from neighborhoods. Scarborough voters will be hastening the consolidation of Town activities at the Downs, to the neglect and downgrading of neighborhoods.


Stop the rush to judgment and let us study alternatives.

Vote No on this referndum.

John A Scully

Vote yes on bond to fund new K-3 school

To the editor,

The unified primary school project is the right solution for Scarborough Public Schools and here are 5 reasons to vote yes on the unified primary school project in November.


5. The District currently has 30 portables/modulars, more than half are over 20 years old. They’re not safe and I don’t want my child attending class in one—would you?

4. If we delay, costs will go up and instead of investing in a long-term solution we will be throwing our tax money into a triage emergency short term fix.

3. US News and World Report currently ranks the Scarborough Schools eighth in our state. It’s a huge reason my family, and many others, have chosen Scarborough to make our home. We can’t let our academic quality become eroded by our subpar facilities.

2. At the tours of the three primary schools earlier this spring we heard of the intense efforts required to make spaces fit our current population of students. Gyms need to quickly become cafeterias and then immediately change over to meeting spaces. These added facilities challenges can affect our district’s ability to recruit and retain our high caliber teachers, too.

1.We can’t just be known as the town with the new Costco. Scarborough’s development has outpaced investment in our infrastructure and our children are paying the price. I encourage voters in November to vote in support of the unified primary school project and do right by these kids who are the future of our town.

Abigail Henry


Re-elct Jean Marie Caterina to Town Council

To the editor,

In six weeks we will be going to the polls again.

Tip O’Neill once said that all elections are local (and thus most important). This is especially true this year with our town council election.

This town is facing some monumental challenges and the decisions made will impact Scarborough for a long time to come. There is no substitute for experience and this is why it is urgent that we re-elect Jean Marie Caterina to the town council. Jean Marie, an advocate for affordable housing and senior citizen concerns has been on the town council for 10 years and, given the opportunity, has a lot more to offer this town. l strongly request that everyone vote for Jean Marie in November

Tom DiPasqua


Vote for Lery Crockett

To the editor,

I am writing to express my support for Leroy Crockett’s bid to renew his seat on the Portland Water District Board of Trustees.

I met Leroy six months ago when I decided to start a small business here in Scarborough. I’m a new resident with virtually no local contacts. I connected with him through Scarborough Buy Local and asked for a meeting. He immediately said yes and soon I was on a Zoom with him, furiously taking notes as he told me all about the local business scene and how my idea might fit into it. Later he helped connect me with potential clients.

Through this experience, I learned two things about Leroy. First, he takes seriously his role as a community leader. He offered his personal time on nights and weekends to someone he barely knew, with no business record, because he thought my idea might benefit Scarborough. I have no doubt that he carries out his Portland Water District duties with the same dedication.

Second, Leroy cares deeply about Scarborough. Every time we met, the conversation at some point drifted into his memories of what an important role this community has played in his life – from his early days volunteering alongside his grandparents to his time coaching youth sports. He truly wants this community to be a welcoming place where people find the sense of connection that means so much to him. This genuine goodwill is essential for any community leader.


I look forward to voting for Leroy Crockett on November 7.

Thank you,

Kate deLutio

Re-elect Jon Anderson

To the editor,

I enthusiastically ask you to join me in supporting Jonathan Anderson for re-election to the Town Council. Serving on the Council is a challenging position and we will all never agree on how the many issues our town faces should be handled. However, what is most important to me is that we have Councilors who will listen to and consider our concerns as they move through the process. I don’t agree with Jon and many things but I one hundred percent trust his dedication to the process, that he does his due diligence in doing research to explore options, asking critical questions, and acting with complete integrity. Thank you for considering!

Katy Foley

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