A winter farmers market is open on Saturday mornings at the Fort Andross Mill in Brunswick. Contributed / Brunswick Winter Market

Winter farmers markets in Brunswick and Bath are in full swing, offering a variety of greens, vegetables, dairy products and artisans’ good, all along with a sense of community.

The Brunswick Winter Market on Saturday mornings at the Fort Andross Mill Complex in Brunswick draws “a great bunch of people who really love being there,” said Jinger Howell, market president.

“When you’re part of this market community, there’s a cohesion to it,” Howell said. “You see the same people, and meet new people coming through.”

The market is open from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and there’s always a line waiting for the doors to open in the morning, she said.

“This community really values and likes supporting their local farmers.”

The market is held at the indoor space through April and usually with the same vendors every week. New this season is a butcher stand and German baked goods, along with four other new vendors added to the mix.


SNAP is accepted to purchase locally grown vegetables and value-added foods, and each SNAP purchase earns Harvest Bucks to spend at any vegetable stand, Howell said.

Bath’s Winter Farmers Market is held from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturdays at the Bath Freight Shed at 27 Commercial St.

Robin Chase, market president, describes it as a “cozy, quaint little market and very locally supported.”

“We stay fairly busy through the winter, and this market is heavily supported by the locals,” she said.

She said two sisters who are now in their teens have been volunteering and helping her at her own booth since they were very young.

“We’re very thankful for the support of the Bath community,” Chase said.

The market has 15 vendors, a pretty consistent group, she said. They offer a variety of food items and medicinal herbs.

The Bath market also accepts SNAP cards and provides the Harvest Bucks Match, which is 50% of other purchases for buying fresh fruits and vegetables.

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