I am a mid-60s feminist who will very energetically support Bernie Sanders at the March 6 Maine caucus because his positions are more in agreement with mine than any other candidate’s, and I trust him to follow through on them.

I don’t understand women voting for a female candidate mostly to show they are feminists, or the polls showing that Bernie lags with older women.

Sexism is inexcusable; I’ve spent decades addressing it, and much work remains. While it would be uplifting to have the right woman in the White House, feminism isn’t about any woman over any man. Values and skills are important.

The two Democratic candidates also offer distinct beliefs. Bernie Sanders has very good ongoing positions on “traditional” women’s issues, so I see that area as a draw. He also has been consistently against income inequality, Wall Street corruption, endless war, inaccessible health care, expensive higher education, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the death penalty. These are also issues of concern to women.

In contrast, Hillary Clinton has either supported such problems by votes and speeches, or has switched her positions relatively recently. Given her long history of politically expedient changes, just what would she work for if she became president?

The more one knows about Bernie Sanders, the more one is likely to support him – and he will support the 99 percent.


Imagine how much better off this country would be if people earned fair wages, billionaires and corporations paid their fair share of taxes, military actions and budgets were curtailed, and we invested in medical care, education, infrastructure and people.

With our individual donations, votes and other political support (for him and other similarly progressive candidates), Bernie Sanders will lead the charge to meaningful positive changes for our country.

Carole J. Ansheles


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