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  • Published
    March 9, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Student gun-control walkouts will lose value if schools try to take charge

    As a Portland Public Schools parent who supports youth activism, I would like to amplify the excellent points made by Falmouth High student Maria Kuhn in her letter to the editor Wednesday about the March 14 ENOUGH National School Walkout, an action proposed and organized by youths as part of the burgeoning student movement demanding […]

  • Published
    March 8, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Worker health coverage needs rethinking

    The recent contract negotiations between union workers and Hannaford provides an opportunity to examine the health care model.

  • Published
    March 8, 2018

    Letter to the editor: City ordinance on paper streets needs to be flexible

    If you’ve ever dreamed of building a house in Portland, you may notice that this dream is fading into the distance. Empty, buildable parcels are rare and expensive. Teardowns are the domain of those with deep pockets. At 4:30 p.m. March 13 at City Hall, the Planning Board will hear public comment on changes to […]

  • Published
    March 8, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Private businesses are doing the trading, not countries

    The first and most important thing to know about trade is that if it weren’t beneficial to the parties involved, it wouldn’t take place. President Trump doesn’t understand this fundamental truth. He talks as if countries are doing the trading, but for the most part it is private businesses buying and selling with each other. […]

  • Published
    March 8, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Runner clarifies error in story about record run

    The article Tuesday on my participation in the first 4-minute mile, based on a telephone interview, contained one serious error. In explaining why I thought I had finished last, I tried to make it clear that while I had not been conscious of passing Chris Brasher, it must have been because, after finishing his stint […]

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  • Published
    March 8, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Later school start times would give kids much needed sleep

    The American Academy of Pediatrics supports a later start time for teens. This is based on the American Academy of Sleep Medicine’s findings that when teens get eight to 10 hours of sleep, they have improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, emotional regulation, quality of life and mental and physical health. Not getting enough sleep each […]

  • Published
    March 8, 2018

    Letter to the editor: To expect progress, reject politicians with big money behind them

    “Yes.” That’s all Sen. Marco Rubio needed to say when Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Cameron Kasky asked him if he would reject campaign donations from the National Rifle Association. Instead, Rubio ducked, covered and refused to acknowledge his responsibility in Feb. 14’s Parkland massacre. Along with Americans all around the country who care […]

  • Published
    March 8, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Raise the age limit to buy guns to 21

    The age limit to purchase any gun should be 21, because teenagers are passionate in their feelings and tend to lose control. People in their 20s are starting to think about marriage and having a family, and therefore consider the consequences of their actions more. Also, schools could put cameras on the building grounds and […]

  • Published
    March 7, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Don’t let development sweep Portland’s needy out of sight

    Social service agencies, health care providers and their clients are part of the fabric of Bayside and can coexist with arriving businesses.

  • Published
    March 7, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Students don’t want schools to suspend classes for walkout

    A number of schools have suspended class time to permit students to participate in the national walkout protesting gun violence (“Portland allows students to join March 14 walkout,” March 4, Page C2). While I understand that this effort stems from a supportive place, school administrators are completely missing the point. If protesters are not missing […]