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  • Published
    March 10, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Congress considering disastrous changes to public education system

    We must not allow the talk and tweets from this White House to distract us from the radical changes being proposed by Congress. These congressional changes will affect the lives of each of us. For many, the changes will be overwhelming and detrimental. HR 610 is one example of a bill with such potentially bad […]

  • Published
    March 10, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Don’t overlook non-natives’ growing support for Maine tribes

    I’d like to refute a statement made in the March 2 article on the research presentation of the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act enactment. When Passamaquoddy Chief Bill Nicholas spoke, it was more than just tribal members who applauded. The Judiciary Committee chambers were full, and two adjacent overflow rooms were opened. I was there, […]

  • Published
    March 10, 2017

    Letter to the editor: On new national monument, LePage ignores rights of land donor

    Regarding Gov. LePage’s recent letter to the president about Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument, let me see if I have this straight: • Roxanne Quimby purchased large tracts of undeveloped land near Baxter State Park. Private property ownership has been a fundamental, individual right in the U.S. since the beginning and is surely something the […]

  • Published
    March 9, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Children need to learn discipline at a young age

    On the WCSH evening news March 1, a short segment was introduced with this statement: “An alarming rate of Maine children are getting ‘kicked out of preschool.’ Why, and can it be prevented?” To us, this is not surprising at all. Modern social scientists have convinced society that children are basically good and we should […]

  • Published
    March 9, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Collins should oppose bill allowing Arctic hunting

    Temperatures in Maine haven’t felt very Alaskan this winter, but there’s one way our state could soon have a big impact on America’s only Arctic state. The U.S. House recently passed a shameful resolution to nullify protections for native animals living in federal wildlife refuges in Alaska. The bill would allow horrific methods of slaughtering […]

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  • Published
    March 9, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Hit snooze button on later start times for Maine high schools

    To say that I am a sleep advocate is an understatement. Parents in Brunswick will tell you that regardless whether their child had a broken arm or a migraine headache, at some point in the office visit, I would recommend more sleep. However, for several reasons, I believe that the bill mandating later high school […]

  • Published
    March 9, 2017

    Letter to the editor: This is how ‘vaccines cause poverty’ rumors get started

    One of my family members went to the doctor last month for a follow-up visit concerning a health issue. While there, my family member received two vaccination shots. The length of the visit was about 15 minutes. I got a copy of the bill in the mail today – it was $500.41. I need to […]

  • Published
    March 9, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Will American retirees be stuck on other side of wall?

    Many retired Americans, including some from Maine, have settled in Mexico, where, for many reasons, their Social Security checks allow them a better life. These people are immigrants in Mexico. Should the Mexican government retaliate against the U.S. policy of deporting Mexican citizens from here by rounding up these seniors and dumping them on the […]

  • Published
    March 8, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Don’t divert funds that help Maine families make healthy food choices

    Our governor has once again submitted a request to remove sugary beverages and candy from the list of eligible items that people can purchase using Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as “food stamps”) dollars. This, in itself, is not surprising given the waiver he applied for last year – and was denied. More surprising, […]

  • Published
    March 8, 2017

    Letter to the editor: Democrats, media jump to conclusion on Russia election meddling

    If Democrats are so convinced that Russians interfered with our presidential election, isn’t it necessary to have one shred of evidence beyond Cabinet members meeting with or talking to Russian officials? It’s obvious the only evidence the media need are Democrats accusing Russians and Republicans of collusion to alter our election. Alleging guilt until proven […]