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  • Published
    December 17, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Blame turnpike for I-295 problems

    After reading the article about the increased traffic and accidents on Interstate 295 (Dec. 1), I felt compelled to write to offer what I think to be a rather obvious reason for the increase. While it is definitely due in part to raising the speed limit to 70 mph (in a zone whose speed never […]

  • Published
    December 17, 2016

    Letter to the editor: 2nd District elector should switch vote away from Trump

    I am a new voter in the 2nd District, and I understand that Richard Bennett is representing my family in the upcoming electoral vote. I am writing to encourage him not to vote for Donald Trump. I feel it is important for Mr. Bennett to demand a debriefing of the CIA information on Russian interference […]

  • Published
    December 17, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Electoral College is fine, and Trump won squarely

    Any time the Democrats lose an election, you can count on them wanting to change the rules. Their latest target is the Electoral College, a system that was put in place by the Founding Fathers to ensure that populous states would not overpower less populated ones when selecting the president. They felt the president should […]

  • Published
    December 17, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Naming names would be empowering ‘demagogue’

    Some have described President-elect Donald Trump as a “demagogue.” Shouldn’t we be wary of McCarthy-esque efforts to collect names? We’re glad you informed us that the U.S. Energy Department refused his transition team’s request to name the names of those who have been working on environmental policies relating to climate change. The Dec. 14 Bloomberg […]

  • Published
    December 17, 2016

    Letter to the editor: We must not forget what happened at Sandy Hook

    Four years ago this week, the horror at Sandy Hook Elementary School occurred. Remember: Twenty first-graders and six school staff members were killed. There was no mention of this sad anniversary in the Dec. 14 paper. Why, I wonder? Have we become so jaded, so dulled to gun violence? Perhaps it is because we failed […]

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  • Published
    December 16, 2016

    Letter to the editor: President electors can vote for what’s best for country

    May I suggest that your readers Google “Electoral College” and learn that it’s not over until it’s over? My reading has taught me that it was Alexander Hamilton, currently featured in a Broadway show, “Hamilton,” who insisted that the electors be able to vote as they see fit for the good of the country and […]

  • Published
    December 16, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Politicians need to act now to prevent opioid fatalities

    I am writing to address the politicians of Maine about the drug epidemic in our state. People’s lives are at stake every day. Quoting the Portland Press Herald (Dec. 6): “Drug overdose deaths in Maine, through the first nine months of 2016, have surpassed the total for all of 2015 as the opioid epidemic continues […]

  • Published
    December 16, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Britons have good reasons for despising Nigel Farage

    Kudos to Pamela Ballinger for her well-written opinion piece (“Maine Voices: Mainers should shun reviled Briton who campaigned for Brexit,” Dec. 13). However, more emphasis was needed with regards to why Nigel Farage is so objectionable. His UK Independence Party is a thinly disguised white nationalist party in the United Kingdom. I had the misfortune […]

  • Published
    December 16, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Christians’ votes for Trump cast doubt on their values

    As a non-religious person – an agnostic, in truth – I’m finding it difficult to comprehend how 60 million people, the majority of whom call themselves Christians, can justify their voting for a man for president who – as I can see through his deeds and words – has lived a life nearly opposite of […]

  • Published
    December 16, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Obama’s presidency has been a disappointment

    As a lifelong progressive Democrat, I want to put the Obama presidency into perspective. I would describe Barack Obama as a decent man and a moderate Republican. I applaud him for the Affordable Care Act (originally a Republican plan) and the nuclear arms deal with Iran. On the other hand, he did succeed at deepening […]