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  • Published
    December 27, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Review’s ‘sensual’ description is just nonsensical grammar

    I’ve regularly read with amusement the restaurant reviews by James Schwartz; on Dec. 6, with amazement, too (“Dine Out Maine: Dinner becomes a sensual Southeast Asian experience at Temp Dulu,” Page E2). Amusement because of the ofttimes-silly concoctions perpetrated on the public by apparently earnest chefs in search of artful surprises; amusement because of the […]

  • Published
    December 26, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Sense of outrage needed for killings in Burundi

    Along with other Americans, I grieved for France during the recent bombings in Paris. However, I am hugely disappointed that we do not express the same shock, anger and sorrow when similar terrorism happens in southern Africa. Aren’t the Burundian people hurting just as much when dozens, if not hundreds, of their countrymen are killed […]

  • Published
    December 26, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Focus outrage on Congress for quadrupling low-skill visas

    While Donald Trump and the outrage machine dominate our news with political soap opera, journalists are failing to report truly useful news. For example, buried in the 2,000-page omnibus budget bill, Congress quadrupled H-2B visas for low-skilled foreign workers, giving away 260,000 jobs, and flooding the labor markets of construction workers, motel-hotel services, truck drivers, […]

  • Published
    December 26, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Right of return is key issue for Mideast peace

    One issue in the Israel-Palestinian impasse involves the return of Palestinian refugees to pre-1967 Israel. It helps to understand more facts than Bob Schaible presents (“Letter to the editor: Fairness to Palestinians will bring lasting peace,” Dec. 15). About 700,000 people left 67 years ago, many of them voluntarily getting their families out of a […]

  • Published
    December 26, 2015

    Letter to the editor: ‘Field of Dreams’ makes us focus on a simpler time

    While awaiting the recent Republican rumble, I stumbled on “Field of Dreams” – a old movie that I’d forgotten I liked so much. I tuned in during the scene where Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner, looking as young and handsome as I once was) meets writer Terrence Mann (James Earl Jones) at Fenway Park. Shortly thereafter, […]

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  • Published
    December 26, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Small tidal power projects are the best path forward

    Re: “Letter to the editor: Tidal power could prove winning industry for state” (Dec. 13): This was a well-composed perspective for a local engineering producer of energy in Maine, but at what level? Sometime back in the 1980s, I spent a holiday weekend cross-country skiing in northern New Hampshire. I stayed at a small lodge. […]

  • Published
    December 25, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Earlier editorial correct regarding oil by rail

    Whoa! In “Another View: Editorial overstates impact of oil-by-rail disclosure exemption” (Dec. 20), Mike Shaw has the situation wrong, and your earlier editorial has it right. Indeed, Maine agencies have stopped revealing “where, when or how” crude oil is transported through the state. Mr. Shaw needs to be shown my newsletter, which for two years […]

  • Published
    December 25, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Moths have a place in nature

    The Dec. 17 article by Kelley Bouchard, “Warm days could give birth to winter-moth nightmare on Maine coast,” was great coverage for the invasive winter moth, but surprisingly omitted mention of our native Bruce spanworm. These are two very similar species, both in the genus Operophtera and are unfortunately almost identical in appearance. As the […]

  • Published
    December 25, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Composite manufacturing an opportunity not to lose

    Re: “Conflict imperils innovative composites program at Brunswick campus” (Dec. 20): When you can’t compete on price, you compete on value. That is the narrative I communicate to firms considering expanding into central Maine. Part of that value is the external economies found in this state. External economies represent cost advantages to a firm – […]

  • Published
    December 25, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Starvation wages leave men hungering for hope

    There is a suicide epidemic among men of a certain age. This problem is not talked about and goes unrecognized. These suicides are being committed by hardworking people. Good people, who are working themselves to death, and still not getting by. Working two and three jobs, and still not being able to put food on […]