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  • Published
    September 3, 2015

    Letter to the editor: No substance to Clinton’s alleged email scandal

    On Page A3 of Wednesday’s Portland Press Herald, your headline on a Washington Post story states, “At least six Clinton emails are deemed to be classified,” followed by a subtitle that suggests that Hillary Clinton is lying when she says “she did not receive or send classified information.” In the second paragraph, however, the story […]

  • Published
    September 2, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Proposed reforms of background checks misfire

    Your Aug. 31 editorial, “Our View: Give all firearms sales in Maine the same level of scrutiny,” was misguided and neglects to recognize a few axiomatic realities. • First: You mention the horrific events in Connecticut and last week in Virginia, but neither of those events would have been thwarted with this referendum’s proposed reforms. […]

  • Published
    September 2, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Republican Party politics endangers global security

    In a recent Washington Post column, E.J. Dionne assesses the state of play in Congress regarding the Iran agreement, and expresses the view that Republican Sens. Jeff Flake of Arizona and Susan Collins of Maine might support the deal were it not that opposition to it has become a major test of party loyalty. Is […]

  • Published
    September 2, 2015

    Letter to the editor: When waiting to turn left, keep wheels straight

    In a recent accident on U.S. Route 1 between Bath and Wiscasset, four vehicles were destroyed and a passenger in one of the vehicles was killed. As I understand it, a car was waiting to make a left turn and was rear-ended. This drove the first car into oncoming traffic, striking a third car, which […]

  • Published
    September 2, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Rising sea levels threaten Portland waterfront project

    There has been a great deal of discussion in Portland about the proposed redevelopment of the old Portland Co. site on the waterfront. I’ve heard impassioned arguments for restricting building height to preserve harbor views, ensuring that historic structures are left intact to link us to our past, as well as ideas from the landowners […]

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  • Published
    September 1, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Reagan, not liberals, gutted funds for mental health

    I read with interest the Aug. 29 letter to the editor by Jack McLaughlin (“Mental health treatment, not gun control, is key to stopping tragedies”). One sentence in the letter really struck me. It stated that “liberals and the American Civil Liberties Union closed most of these mental health facilities” – but contrary to Mr. […]

  • Published
    September 1, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Life is quiet without Cape rifle range; let’s keep it that way

    It is strangely quiet for a Saturday morning, because the rifle range in Cape Elizabeth has been shut down. Now I hear the sound of birds, crickets and the background hum of bees. The peace and quiet are more of a relief to my soul and my senses than I expected. I thought I had […]

  • Published
    September 1, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Articles should dig deeper to reveal underlying forces

    Two Aug. 8 Bloomberg View pieces and Noel Gallagher’s lead article Aug. 9 illustrate the propensity of the American press to omit essential, if inconvenient, dimensions of stories. • “Another View: Deportation advocates have explaining to do” discusses what to do about the 11 million “illegal” Hispanic immigrants. It omits any notice of why they’re […]

  • Published
    September 1, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Bridgton cottages not so eco-friendly

    Re: “Developer has grand plan for small homes in Bridgton” (Aug. 17): The Portland Press Herald let its readers down by accepting at face value Main Eco Homes’ extravagant claims for its Cottages at Willett Brook. It’s an admirable goal to create “energy efficient living for active adults.” But even a cursory review would have […]

  • Published
    August 31, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Newspaper’s Sea Food column fun, informative

    I have been fascinated by the glimpse afforded by the Portland Press Herald into Sea Food columnist Anne Mahle’s tiny, proficient kitchen on the windjammer Schooner J. & E. Riggin. Cooking fabulous meals for guests and crew, Annie allows us, her readers, to soak up the salty ambience, smell the simmering stew, etc., and take […]