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  • Published
    February 3, 2013
    Guns Across America Rally

    Letters to the editor: Assault rifle ban ‘not the answer’

    A reader says our nation has a social problem, not a firearm problem.

  • Published
    February 2, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Burning over fire department coverage

    In the Jan. 27 edition of the Maine Sunday Telegram, under the headline “Is the Portland Fire Department overstaffed?,” was an imitation news article with a biased title. There was one gaping hole in the information: Why it is so vital for the Portland Fire Department to have these resources to fulfill their duty of […]

  • Published
    February 1, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Any of us could become homeless, poor

    A reader says volunteering at Preble Street Resource Center altered his false assumptions about the homeless.

  • Published
    January 31, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Cutler doesn’t deserve ‘spoiler’ label

    With the national election behind us, talk of the next governor’s race has begun in earnest, and although potential candidates are in the early stages of building their campaigns, letters are flying regarding the futility of another run by Eliot Cutler. Some believe that Cutler will prove to be a spoiler, splitting the Democratic vote […]

  • Published
    January 30, 2013

    Letters to the Editor: Much at stake in city tar sands proposal

    The packed Portland City Council chamber last Wednesday night told the story. There was testimony from the public and from the petroleum industry (local, national and Canadian representatives) concerning the pros and cons of tar sands oil and its potential effect or lack of effect on our land and water. The debate was sometimes heated […]

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  • Published
    January 29, 2013

    Letters to the Editor: New prison won’t address crime’s causes

    I sincerely hope that we do not build an expensive, new and bigger prison in Windham. True, the Maine Correctional Center is a hodgepodge of buildings, of which only two are relatively modern. However, simply to replace a prison without rethinking our addiction to warehousing people as our response to crime is recklessly foolish. Research […]

  • Published
    January 28, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Risk of socialist rule greatly overstated

    Kenneth Poirier (“Letters to the editor: Government trying to ease Americans into socialism,” Jan. 17) expresses fear that President Obama is on a mission to transform our country into a socialist dictatorship. Another letter on the same page, by Richard Campbell, warns that “small dosages of socialism” over time will deliver us to communism. The […]

  • Published
    January 27, 2013
    Primary candidate signs

    Letters to the editor: ‘Top-two’ runoff election would ease partisanship

    A recent letter to the editor proposed adopting an instant runoff system for future gubernatorial elections (“‘Instant runoff’ right for governor’s race,” Jan. 18). While I applaud the authors’ civic engagement, I can’t help but guess their desire to apply this system only to the governor’s race is a result of Gov. LePage’s 2010 victory […]

  • Published
    January 26, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Cutler run will hand LePage second term

    I didn’t vote for Eliot Cutler for governor last time, and I won’t this time, either (“Cutler may take step toward governor run,” Page 1, Jan. 23). He helped move the tea party and Paul LePage into the governor’s office last time around. There’s little I can think of to better help LePage win re-election […]

  • Published
    January 25, 2013
    Barack Obama, Joe Biden

    Letters to the editor: Readers weigh Obama’s gun controls

    Readers disagree whether the proposals announced last week by President Obama will be effective at controlling gun violence.