social distancing
PublishedJuly 28, 2020
Our View: Now is no time to give up on COVID-19 measures
As the summer slips away, Congress should step up and pass a meaningful relief bill for the tourism industry.
PublishedJuly 26, 2020
The Maine Millennial: Living in the first 10 minutes of a disaster movie
Four months into the COVID crisis, we are finding out which of February’s ‘emergency measures’ are now ‘lifestyle changes.’
PublishedJuly 19, 2020
Maine Voices: Want to help the economy? Stay home.
Reopening too aggressively leads to outbreaks that require reimposition of public health measures, further restricting consumer confidence.
PublishedJuly 13, 2020
Our View: Maine’s public health measures paying off
States that have tried to rush reopening their economies are paying a terrible price.
PublishedJuly 3, 2020
Our View: Look for ways to celebrate safely in Maine on the Fourth
Even though many traditional events won't happen this year, there are still ways to enjoy our national birthday.
PublishedJuly 2, 2020
Maine Voices: In the spirit of this great country, let’s beat COVID-19
‘By wearing a mask and keeping at least 6 feet apart, you are telling strangers that you care about them,’ says the owner of Bull Feeney’s.
PublishedJune 4, 2020
Maine Voices: Protect Maine’s immigrant communities from COVID-19
The virus’ spread among new Mainers can be slowed despite risk factors like the inability to socially distance and limited English proficiency.
PublishedMay 31, 2020
Maine Voices: It’s protective equipment, not a political symbol – put on your mask
Question business managers and owners who don't enforce orders, praise ones who do – and perfect your shocked stare.
PublishedMay 23, 2020
Commentary: How you can help Maine businesses recover
Eat out a little more often. Buy gift cards. And if you visit a local business, take the proper precautions so others will feel safe there.
PublishedMay 21, 2020
Commentary: How to make COVID restrictions easier to swallow
Nobody likes masks or social distancing. But everybody can be nudged.