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  • Published
    April 16, 2015

    Letter to the editor: More assurances on Maine’s court fees would be welcome

    We applaud Mary Ann Lynch, media counsel for the Maine Judicial Branch, for her public assurances that Maine’s courts don’t jail those who are “unable” to pay fines (“Another View: Only those who can pay, but don’t, face jail time for unpaid fines,” April 3). It is a much-needed baby step, reassuring the public about […]

  • Published
    April 15, 2015

    Letter to the editor: ACLU’s anti-religious bias in bad faith

    Regarding the tempest in a teapot now brewing in the Brunswick school district (“Brunswick teacher accused of discussing religious belief,” April 8): It would be appreciated if the American Civil Liberties Union of Maine would lighten up a bit. No doubt the ACLU’s Zach Heiden is an astute and erudite barrister; however, his overzealous tone […]

  • Published
    April 15, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Collins’ Keystone stance belies her climate-change ‘leadership’

    Maine Sen. Susan Collins has become a self-described leader on climate change! At a recent roundtable in Portland, Collins actually gave advice for making progress on this issue. During the question-and-answer session, the audience members were too polite to ask how a climate change “leader” could support the Keystone pipeline and the filthy tar sands […]

  • Published
    April 15, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Credit Yarmouth’s culverts for making driving easy

    Now that everybody has had the enjoyment of driving over speed bumps this happy spring, you can all rest assured that it does not have to be that way. All culverts installed properly with insulation wlll not be moved by the frost in the spring of the year. The only reason that the culverts are […]

  • Published
    April 15, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Titanic’s immigrant class the forgotten casualties

    As the world started to move into the 1900s, the shipping lines between Europe and North America were already making profits off the immigration to North America. The White Star Line was one of the major players of this immigration business to North America. They saw that they could make more of a profit in […]

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  • Published
    April 14, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Portland’s parking rules crazy, hostile, unyielding

    Today was the last straw with Portland’s unyielding and inconsistent parking rules. It’s the third time I have received a $30 parking ticket over these impossible rules. • First: Near a pizza parlor where a sign read “Parking allowed,” but up ahead was a sign back to me, saying, “No parking from 11:30 p.m. to […]

  • Published
    April 14, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Support effort to enhance suicide prevention in schools

    As most readers can attest, being a teen is difficult. Teens are experiencing intellectual, emotional, physical and social changes while trying to navigate their way through life. It is so easy for them to feel confused, overwhelmed and lost, especially in today’s society. They’re dealing not only with peer pressure, acne and puberty, but also […]

  • Published
    April 14, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Executing marathon bomber would perpetuate cycle of revenge

    Brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev killed and injured innocent Americans because they believed the U.S. is responsible for the deaths of innocent people in the Middle East. Now we wait to hear if Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will be put to death by our legal system. We would be taking revenge on two horribly misguided men who […]

  • Published
    April 14, 2015

    Letter to the editor: Maine risking its reputation for decency, mutual respect

    I have always prided myself on being a citizen of Maine, where reason and mutual respect were the norm. I felt so superior to those big-city folks. That’s why my first hope for the news last week was that it was an extended April Fool’s issue and not the actual news. Last week, I read […]

  • Published
    April 13, 2015

    Letter to the editor: War-mongering critics of Iran deal make no sense

    Isn’t it a bit odd that the same people (Benjamin Netanyahu, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton and, well, essentially every Republican in Congress) who say that a nuclear deal with Iran would be a “threat to world peace” are the same people who advocate bombing Iran? That’s like saying that my decision to eat […]