AUGUSTA – At a time when most Mainers and Americans are struggling to fill the gas tank of the family vehicle, the folks at Planned Parenthood unleashed a slick public relations campaign to ensure tax dollars continue to fund their $1 billion organization.

The issue isn’t just whether the budget for the rest of the current fiscal year funded it or not. No federal budget from now on out should give it a single cent.

But every day, $950,000 of our tax monies has been sent to Planned Parenthood.

In 2009, taxpayers gave Planned Parenthood $363 million.

“Why?” you may ask. “Is Planned Parenthood losing money?” No. In fact, Planned Parenthood made record profits in 2009. It performed more abortions than ever before in its history.

“Is Planned Parenthood now building day care centers or shelters for its clients?” No. In fact, Planned Parenthood recently issued a policy mandating that by 2013, all of its clinics and affiliates must provide abortion services.


“Has Planned Parenthood introduced a new business model for ethics in the workplace?” No. In fact, Live Action has exposed a series of undercover videos showing scandalous and corrupt Planned Parenthood staff willing to aid and abet the sex trafficking of young girls at seven clinics in four different states.

“Won’t defunding Planned Parenthood result in low-income women being denied access to lifesaving health screenings?” No. In fact, there are thousands of taxpayer-supported health centers available that provide much more thorough health care for low-income women in need.

Well then, you may ask, “Are most Americans pro-choice?” No. In fact, for a third consecutive annual survey, the Gallup Poll conducted May 7-10, 2010, indicates that a majority of Americans consider themselves pro-life.

In 2009, clinics run by Planned Parenthood committed 332,278 of the nation’s 1.2 million abortions.

According to Abby Johnson, a former director of a Planned Parenthood chapter, “Planned Parenthood’s mission, on paper, is to give women quality and affordable health care and to protect women’s rights. In reality, their mission is to increase their abortion numbers and in turn increase their revenue.”

Today, the organization is putting even less emphasis on other “services” that would be considered alternatives to abortion.


For example, the number of adoption referrals dropped from 2,404 in 2008 to just 977 for 2009. That’s approximately one adoption referral per year per clinic.

Abortions at Planned Parenthood outnumber adoption referrals by a 340-to-1 margin. According to the Elliot Institute, 79 percent of post-abortive women felt they were not informed about alternatives to abortion.

This is deplorable, considering the millions of Americans who are unable to conceive, but are desperate to adopt and provide loving care for a precious child.

A pregnant woman entering a Planned Parenthood clinic is 42 times more likely to be given an abortion than to either receive prenatal care or be referred for adoption.

Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards recently warned if Planned Parenthood is defunded by taxpayers, “millions of women in this country are going to lose their health care access — not to abortion services — to basic family planning, you know, mammograms.”

The truth is that Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms, nor will defunding the organization eliminate access to health care for women.


It just means that Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, will not receive tax dollars.

Planned Parenthood is very wealthy and does not need tax dollars to continue to operate. It’s time for the abortion mammoth to stop using scare tactics on women and taxpayers.

The legitimate health care needs of women can be better met by providers not compromised by their involvement in the wholesale destruction of innocent human life. Women and children deserve better.

It’s time to defund Planned Parenthood, now and forever. Uncle Sam has had enough.

– Special to the Press Herald


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