More than 500 Cape Elizabeth High School students and their parents packed the auditorium Aug. 15 for a meeting about the new substance- abuse policies.

The meeting was mandatory for students who want to participate in extra-curricular activities this fall.

The session was a result of an initiative two years ago by the student government to review the policies. The substance-abuse policy was approved by the Cape Elizabeth School Board last year.

Jeff Shedd, high school principal, said some of the changes on the policy this year include a more carefully defined self-referral policy, and reduced consequences for a first offense. A first offense used to mean a full-season suspension, but now may call only for a quarter-season suspension.

In addition to Shedd, those addressing the audience included Athletic Director Keith Weatherbie, Police Chief Neil Williams, Dr. Christopher Bowe from Maine Medical Center and Cumberland County Assistant District Attorney Christine Thibeault.

β€œI thought it was very positive,” said Williams of the meeting. β€œIt looks like the students already put a lot of thought into it.”

Another similar meeting will be held Aug. 28, at 6:30 p.m., in the school library and Sept. 14, at 6:30 p.m., in the auditorium.

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