Residents interested in learning more about their town’s history before the July 14, 2008, celebration of the 350th anniversary might consider taking the upcoming History of Scarborough course, sponsored by the Adult Learning Center.

Becky Delaware, a Scarborough Historical Society board member, will present a lecture and slide-presentation program on Thursday, April 26, and Thursday, May 3, at 6:30 p.m.. On May 10, participants will meet at the historical society and museum in Dunstan to learn more about the town’s heritage and to see the museum’s holdings.

On Saturday morning, May 12, Delaware will escort participants on a four-hour bus tour to visit the town’s important historical sites. A limited number of bus seats have been reserved for those who cannot attend the lectures but want to take the tour. To register, call Emily Ward at 730-5040 or e-mail

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