We have an on-going feature in all eight of our weekly newspapers at Current Publishing that highlights a local high school student as the “Oakhurst senior athlete of the week.”

It’s interesting to hear the various responses to the assortment of questions we pose to these youngsters as we compile this information. Some of the answers are surprising, others are expected and some replies are a bit off the wall. These are teenagers who are influenced by the times they live in just like we were back in our high school days and for the most part, their responses reflect that.

While chatting with these student-athletes I often wonder what I would answer if that same question were asked of me. I also imagine what I might have answered way back in the Dark Ages when I was a high school senior lacking the life experiences I have since encountered.

I don’t recall newspapers in the mid-1970s having these “athlete of the week” sections. If they did, I wasn’t paying attention. So here is my chance to place myself among that fine group of youngsters who grace our pages every week. In this case, I’ll give answers I would likely have made “back in the day” along with answers I would make today.

Sports played: In high school, I was a member of the golf team, the gymnastics team, indoor track (for one year), and soccer (for one week).

Now I shoot a few baskets at my kids’ basketball practices. I lace up some skates and head out onto the ice when I really want to torture myself. Once in a while, I get to play a round of golf and I occasionally run up a flight of stairs.


Hobbies/activities: In high school, just hanging out with friends kept me ever so busy. And I always loved to read. Nowadays, I don’t find the time to read and my kids’ activities are my activities.

What famous person would I like to have dinner with? In 1976, that person would probably have been Bobby Orr. Today, I think No. 4 would still be at the table, but we’d have to also make room for Larry Bird.

Favorite TV show: Back then, All In the Family was at the top of the list with Happy Days a close second. Now I like Boston Legal – the show’s definitely quirky and I’m a James Spader fan.

Favorite subjects in school: I always liked math and history.

The secret to happiness is… As a high school senior I think I would have said “Knowing what you want to do and knowing where you want to go.” Today’s secret to happiness is family, friends and good health.

I hate it when… I don’t golf well (in 1976, golfing well was a high priority). Nowadays, I hate it when people run red lights, go through stop signs, drive too fast in a school zone, and don’t yield for pedestrians in crosswalks. Do you get the feeling I’m always a bit annoyed when I’m driving?


Where do you think you’ll be and what will you be doing 10 years from now? I would have had no idea what to answer back in high school. At that time, I didn’t know what college I wanted to attend or what I wanted to study – which were only one year into the future. Ask me the same question today and I’m still not sure. I’ve never zeroed in on one thing I wanted to do employment-wise. And I’ve always envied those people who knew exactly what they wanted to be when they grew up.

Advice to younger athletes: Work hard and do the best you can – in practice and in games. Today’s advice wouldn’t be much different. I would add how necessary it is to be committed. Don’t try out for a team if you’re not going to do your best, if you’re not going to make all the practices, and if you’re only worried about your own playing time. Make sure your participation is about “team.”

Idea of a perfect day: Warm and sunny with friends at the beach. Today, I’d have to say a perfect day would include family and friends enjoying each other’s company on a warm summer day.

And speaking of our sponsor… A big thank you to the Oakhurst people for providing these weekly glimpses into the lives of our local student-athletes.

If your son or daughter is a senior athlete and they have not yet been featured in our Oakhurst ads, please e-mail me at cpepin@keepmecurrent.com and we’ll try to get them into our newspapers as soon as we can.

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